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    • Hi Katie, We have a Data Performance team in the UK that would love here to more about what you need, did you want to jump on a call today? Kind regards ------------------------------ Tyler Webb-Harding StrategiQ ------------------------- ...

    • @Katie Schetzsle of Meyocks is Seeking a data partner that can track social media sentiment by geography via hashtags/emojis on Meta (X/Twitter is used to track hashtag usage to report on regional trends but we're looking to focus on Meta data; X/Twitter ...

    • https://fliphtml5.com/qqeym/sfvb/ Above is the 2023 Who's Who Booklet with updated purple branding. ------------------------------ Kristi Anderson AMIN Worldwide ------------------------------

    • Hoffman York is looking for an AMIN agency Ally who has someone on staff certified in Salesforce Marketing Cloud and, if so, would they be interested in Hoffman York potentially temporarily outsourcing to them? They would be compensated under a mutually ...

    • The recording for the AMIN 101 of Aug 9, 2023 can be found HERE . Unfortunately, the CHAT did not capture & retain the folks who indicated who they were & requests to join the OC. If you are aware of someone who is interested in joining the OC from ...